39 Beatitudes

* Dancing Shivas *” by pareeerica is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

1.)  Blessed is the awakening one who follows the supreme principle of ahimsa in its many manifestations recognizing that oneself is not the Knower or the known but a striver for a deeper understanding of ahimsa in all its forms.

The Creator is the Knower and there are deeper levels of ahimsa as the soul progresses in sadhana.  What is known can only be known from one’s own level of spiritual awareness.  The demi-gods recognize there are vast levels of knowledge and continue to look up to the Creator as the Knower while increasing their own.  It is the future of all sadhus, powerful and glorious, indeed!

The buddhisattvas share in this knowledge while leading the spiritual teachers forward by their level of wisdom and selflessness.

2.)  Understanding this sublime purpose in life, the awakening one strives to be a good steward of the earth’s resources, recognizing this principle as one of the many manifestations of ahimsa and meaningful for sadhana and future generations.

God has given us the resources needed to live for the next six billion years or the life of the sun.  Presently, we are in the middle of a cliffhanger as the resources are being squandered beyond the capacity of what the earth can replenish.

The Lord spoke often of being a good steward and that extends to all that He created.  It is foolish to think we can abuse the resources and overpopulate the earth and that God will be pleased.

water, sky, panoramic

It is like a man who labored many years building a magnificent castle.  When it was finished, he invited the nearby townsfolk for a great celebration.  Upon entering, they commented on the beauty and workmanship and his years of devotion to building the castle.

As the evening progressed, the man grew alarmed by the number of guests that arrived, and he attempted to block their entrance at the door.  “You may enter another day,” he said, “for today, the castle is full.” 

The people, ignoring his pleas, pushed him aside and quickly grew disgruntled by the lack of food and drink. 

Before long, they were fighting over the man’s possessions, and by morning, the castle was left in ruins. 

The man repented that he had ever invited them, “I did not build this castle for my happiness alone and this is how the townspeople repay my kindness?  From this time forward, I will only invite those who are worthy of my trust.”

God cares deeply and wants us to be trustworthy stewards of the earth and all of its resources.  We should care for them as God cares for us.

3.)  Blessed are those who refrain from physical or emotional harm towards another, viewing it as harm against oneself and well-being.

This follows the law of karma which is active in the world. 

When the soul sees the results of its own actions upon itself, this creates understanding and awakens spiritual living within the soul.  It’s a loving response from the Atman and God, however painful it may feel at the time.

At the same time, it’s not best to assume that karma has visited us or another for there are times when the Atman sends a learning curve that increases the soul’s growth exponentially through adversity.

4.)  Love is the goal and blessed are those who recognize all men as brothers and all women as sisters, regardless of religion.

When a person is born, many times he or she follows the teachings of the parents or early childhood which results in different beliefs in different lifetimes. 

As the soul is reborn, so are the Incarnations of Brahman who through different births, brought different paths.  It’s inspiring and uplifting for it upholds all people and all nations.

You may follow Hinduism in one lifetime and follow the Mother’s Way the next and God honors all of His paths.  In the end, they all lead to the same destination by different names, whether enlightenment, nirvana, or Heaven.

5.)  Such an awakening one will not be entangled in bigotry or looking down at others for we are all molded in the Creator’s Image.

It is prudent to avoid looking down on others because of ethnicity or any other differences that might arise.  You are all created in God’s image and the end goal is the same.  Look out and see the world as yourself for you are every color known. 

You are black, olive, white, and red.  You are the fellow begging for food in one lifetime and the rich man giving alms in another.  Everyone wants to be accepted and to be understood.  By looking down, you deny your own sadhana.

6.)  Neither allowing oneself to bear false testimony which denies the right of another to live in peace.

There is much suffering that arises from social media and disinformation.  People hurt each other every day from a lack of understanding.  In the end, only God knows all aspects of the situation. 

By spreading rumors, you make yourself judge and jury and injure the person who may very well be innocent of those accusations.  It’s best to keep the mind pure from gossip or judging others for many times, things aren’t what they seem.

Some intentionally bear false witness for their own personal gain which is a sin that has severe karmic repercussions.  For the amount of damage that is done, it will be measured in return.

7.)  Blessed are those who show kindness and do not add to the sorrow of others through ridicule or insult.

It hurts when a person is ridiculed for being different.  It starts early in childhood with the bully on the playground. 

If left uncorrected, the behavior continues into adulthood which is destructive and antisocial.  Interactions should bring happiness and laughter but never at another’s expense.

8.)  Sadhana is personal and blessed are those who understand the rights of others to seek joy and would never knowingly, obstruct the joy of another.

Everyone’s path in sadhana is unique for we are all different manifestations of God’s creation.  Joy comes through individual effort.  One may find joy through exuberant karma yoga or physical activity. 

It should not be looked down on for the one who enjoys long hours of work or is driven forward by their passion for a particular subject or vocation.  Joy from the Atman comes from activities that benefit the soul, thus the world. 

Finding joy is personal and it is through dedication that the soul learns devotion.

Others may be more driven by their passion for God-realization through meditation or contemplation.  For the one who is passionate in karma or raja yoga brings devotion, and the most blessed is the one who is passionate in both!

9.)  In essence, it is the awakening one’s joy to seek peace when possible and avoid confrontations that may lead to unkindness.

Seeking to understand and then seeking to be understood is the most ideal approach but it’s up to the level of spiritual awareness of both parties as to whether it will happen. 

In the face of heated debates where no positive outcome is likely, it is better to retreat than to be unkind.

10.)  Blessed are those who give others the opportunity to pursue happiness, but remember they are not ultimately responsible for the happiness of others.

Brahman wants a world where everyone is happy and joyous.  With universal love, a person naturally wants the happiness of others because it’s selfless and empowering to see others joyful too.  

Help one another as much as possible, but don’t overextend or to the point of being overly burdened. 

God doesn’t expect this kind of sacrifice and intended that, ultimately, all should take responsibility for their own happiness with ahimsa and spiritual practices.

11.)  Blessed are those who recognize rebirth as a fundamental truth and that karma, therefore, is active and purposeful in the world.

Rebirth is a fundamental reality in sadhana.  It takes lifetimes for the soul to weed out the samskaras.  Until liberation, there is no one-time spiritual event that guarantees Heaven after death.

beyond, death, life after death

The Christians are correct that the Holy Spirit touches the soul, thereby bringing peace.  It may happen during conversions, baptisms, or communion. 

It also happens to all people in all of God’s paths.  It encourages the soul to continue in sadhana while bringing joy from the Atman within.

12.)  Blessed are those who understand karma is operative and will not seek personal retaliation for the wrongdoings of another, but trust that God’s judgment and society’s laws are sufficient.

Indeed, it takes faith to trust that God and society will take care of the unfairness in life.  Karma is a real manifestation and it’s not just God, but the soul’s Atman, that judges. 

The Atman will inflict suffering on its own soul until every farthing is paid for the suffering that is inflicted on another; if not in a current life, then in a future one.

Sometimes, the authorities can’t exact judgment and yet taking it into our own hands is reckless.  Did Jesus take revenge?  He could have, but like Brahman, He chose the way of peace. 

13.)  Blessed are those who choose the repetition of God’s Holy Name as essential to their sadhana.

Japam is a wonderful activity for sadhana and simple to do.  It’s a way of honoring and remembering the Lord during all the activities of our waking hours and at night before sleep. 

God’s Name will also lift the mind during periods of frustration, anxiety, sadness, and anger.  Instead of taking it out on others, express your emotions inside to God for all your troubles.  Be relentless and the Atman will have no choice, but to appear.

Take walks and keep repeating the Incarnation’s Name that brings you the most comfort. 

mantra” by indoloony is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Inwardly is generally most effective since it affects the mind more, but outward repetition can be most effective too at times if one’s passions become too tough to bear silently. 

If I was a Christian, I might first envision a picture of Jesus while walking.  If angry, I might use fierce japam or angry passion in my repetition.   If overcome with sadness, I might weep His name repeatedly to bring comfort.

Choosing a mantra of your choice is another way to connect with the Self.  Pick the one you feel the most drawn to, stay with it, and repeat it daily and often. 

As in Proverbs, “My son, keep your father’s commandment and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.  Bind them always upon your heart and tie them around your neck.” 

“When you walk, they will guide you; when you lie down, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you.” 

God’s Holy Names were carefully selected before the creation of the world and will send the soul into ecstatic states if repeated daily.  In doing so, you choose to live like the One who created you, who is free from attachments.

14.)  Blessed is the awakening one who recognizes that happiness is found through striving to attain Self- or God-realization.

You’ll receive the most joy by following spiritual practices such as meditation and japam. 

It is through your everyday practices, that you’ll find a wellspring of joy and a sense of well-being.  This creates an environment of striving that leads the soul to the lotus feet of God!

15.)  Blessed are those who view life as a miracle by seeking joy within, knowing that material possessions and the pleasures of this world will not bring lasting happiness nor nourishment for the soul.

By looking within, you can assert the difference between pleasures and joy.  Pleasures drain the soul of life and vitality, often followed by sadness.  Joyful activities add to your well-being and at the end of the day, leave you happy and fulfilled.

Physical objects are meant for the purpose of supporting life and bringing joy to sadhana.  Are you able to share your possessions with those whom you trust? 

Nonattachment is one of the joys of God-realization and when you make yourself aware of your attachments, with wisdom you can learn to let go of what doesn’t matter.

16.)  Blessed are those who lean on truth, love, action, and humility as a guide through an ever-changing world.

Integrating these four traits into the being-state produces growth in sadhana.  It’s through choices that you learn what enables your peace to flow and flourish. 

By making these the four cornerstones of sadhana, wisdom becomes your best friend and greatest ally.

17.)  Blessed are those who embrace truth before love, for love is strongest when it’s rational.

Universal love is the goal so seek to love all, whether great or small.  If someone approaches you warmly, be warm in return. 

Acquaintances can become the greatest of friends but should be approached with caution.  When the soul is engaged in a personal friendship that is rational, there’s a free and happy feeling inside to be with that person.

If you seek truth before love, you’ll want to know whether this or that association is good for you.  It saves much suffering and heartache by following this principle. 

To love unconditionally is irrational and may turn a lifetime of sadhana into a martyr’s trap.

18.)  Blessed are those who refrain from envy of others who appear to have more joy, aware that joy is boundless, immeasurable and free, whether great or small.

It’s impossible to measure another’s joy in comparison to your own.  Joy deepens as the soul progresses and a new spiritual experience may bring another’s joy to the forefront. 

They’ve accomplished something that their being has never experienced before.  If they share that moment with you, rejoice and be glad for them!

Laughter and smiles may be a superficial sign of joy.  What produces laughter for one may not have the same effect for another. 

Some may be laughing and smiling on the outside and feel empty on the inside.

19.)  Blessed are those who seek companions who have a similar level of spiritual awareness, avoiding the unsophisticated and worldly, who might draw the mind away into darkness.

It’s best to keep company with those who are closer to your own level of spiritual awareness.  Those in the same echelons will feel more of a sense of friendship to be in each other’s presence. 

By closely associating with those who are less sophisticated, the mind will be drawn to the lower chakras which cause poor decisions and unnecessary suffering.  It is especially true with romantic relationships. 

Avoid being drawn in by the physical beauty of another.  If that person is in a lower chakra, the association will cause misery. 

If you look for the one who is spiritually like-minded, you’ll find the one who is meant for you.

20.)  Blessed are the awakening ones who show veneration to those higher and compassion for those who don’t show the same level of spiritual awareness.

The soul is never stagnant, so no two people are in the same exact place spiritually.  Showing veneration to the one who is higher, is the most correct and humble approach. 

It’s the same that children should feel toward their parents and sadhus should feel for their guru.  It enables the soul to look up and find wisdom through those who have gone before.

Show compassion for those who struggle with issues you do not have.  If you are ahead of them on the spiritual path, they may find light through your guidance one day. 

How much sweeter your joy will be, knowing your sadhana made a positive impact in someone else’s life.

21.)  Blessed are those who find more joy in listening than speaking.

Wisdom is gained by seeking to understand, which can only be accomplished through silence.  This also increases the spiritual awareness of the one who listens. 

Active listening is not screaming on the inside to be heard before the other person has finished speaking. 

It also lengthens a person’s attention span which is needed for meditation and contemplation and helps with silencing unnecessary chatter. 

If you look closely, you’ll see that the best spiritual teachers are also the best listeners.

22.)  Blessed are those who seek mentors who encourage their sadhana.

Look up to those who encourage your sadhana.  It may be a father or mother figure that comes into your life and gives you sound advice. 

leadership, example, leader

Look for pillars in the church and community that encourage you to do your best in life.  Before long, you, too, will become a pillar. 

The more pillars, the stronger and happier the community and society become, and the more abundantly God’s blessings flow.

23.)  Blessed are those who look within before seeking the wisdom of another.

This is true for all the decisions made in life.  Each is responsible for their own choices so trust your own wisdom first. 

It is good to seek the wisdom of others after exhausting your own.  Then, you can rest from your decision knowing that you made the best choice possible.

This is also the case for those who embrace a spiritual teacher.  If they should ask or require anything that makes you uncomfortable, then depart, and seek another.  

Listen to the Atman’s voice within and let your conscience be your guide.

Does the spiritual teacher’s wisdom align with your own?  The spiritual teachers may be sufficient guides in your sadhana, but they are also students engaging in sadhana, even so far as the illumined. 

The buddhisattva’s wisdom is superior to the illumined and would readily agree that the soul should look within first while looking upward for the spiritual teacher that brings the most progress in sadhana. 

Following the crowd will not help your sadhana if you find yourself a slave to your religion or the will of another.

24.)  Blessed are those who only trust God for what is not within their own power to do.

Herein is a safety net for sadhana.  When difficulties arise, first do all that you can before trusting God.  His power may appear through unforeseen circumstances, but what if it doesn’t?

A verse in Matthew says, “Look at the birds.  They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them.  And aren’t you of more value to him than they are?” 

This is misunderstood advice and was written during a primitive time.  The Father expects us to use our rational faculties and help ourselves first.  The birds use the only faculty they have which is instinct.

The saying is true that God helps those who help themselves.  The soul is the ship, and you are the captain, so steer wisely. 

Before long, the skies will clear and the sun will shine once again, maybe even brighter than before.

25.)  Blessed is the awakening one who values aloneness as a way of retreating from the world and connecting with Self.

It’s in the silence of aloneness that the soul begins to find the Self.  This is when a person finds what makes the soul happy. 

If the mind bombards itself every day with external associations, the Self will remain unrealized. 

A person may reach their forties and wake up one day and think, “Who am I?  What makes me happy?”  It may even produce a sense of sadness for the years that were lost. 

By spending time alone, you become a friend to Self and make better decisions throughout life.

This also applies to a romantic relationship.  A person can hardly know before their twenties who will make them happy. 

Many seek relationships to fill a void inside that was never meant to be filled until the soul connects with the Self.  Romantic associations are a distraction in sadhana before this time and may lead to regrets later with unhappiness and divorce.

It is possible to meet the soulmate early in life and when he or she is seeking sadhana first, your union will be that much sweeter by the twenties. 

You can then approach one another with maturity and a happy inner life that only blossoms deeper as the years roll by. 

Fight the lust samskara with all your might and wait for the one who has been waiting for you! 

26.)  Blessed are those who meditate or contemplate at least a half hour each day to purify the mind and bring wholeness within.

Meditating for at least a half hour each day is good for the soul.  Others may prefer contemplation, but it should be inwardly guided to one’s highest awareness. 

This can be accomplished by asking questions inside like, “What are my motivations for taking this action?  How can I improve my response to a certain situation?  How would my spiritual teacher respond?” 

If unsure, ask your teacher.  There is no shame in asking.  A good teacher will readily respond with love and compassion.

27.)  Blessed are those who dress modestly so as not to be a stumbling block for another’s sadhana.

The lust samskara is one of the most troublesome in sadhana and when we dress inappropriately, it can become a stumbling block for others. 

Fashion is fun and there’s nothing worldly with wearing the latest trends if you don’t follow “fast fashion,” wearing something once and then throwing it away.

Inappropriate clothing is tight or shows cleavage that should be left unseen by others.  It draws the mind to the lowest chakras and makes it difficult for others who are earnestly seeking to grow and increase their spirituality. 

It would be nice to see the bathing suits from the 1940s and 50s return as being fashionable.  It accentuates physical beauty and covers up what the world doesn’t need to see.

We are not our bodies, but instead the limitless spirit inside the body. Let our friends approach us for that!

28.)  Blessed are those who recognize karma yoga as valuable to God and their sadhana.

Action is always better than faith or inaction.  If you want to effect positive change, karma yoga is the most positive expression of God’s love in the world.  Society needs action-oriented individuals who actively work on making the world a better place.

29.)  Blessed are those who combine good works with truth and love.

Karma yoga becomes more powerful when combined with truth and love.  The soul’s actions may become scattered if not accompanied with reason.  It’s like mountain biking with a bicycle that has no gears and is much more toilsome without passion. 

Service to others and a passion for that service has a profound effect on the world.  Some of the most personally rewarding vocations are in the medical field. 

What makes you feel most passionate?  By tapping into the Source of your joy, you will find your own wellspring of love and devotion that grows stronger with each passing day.

30.)  Blessed are those who find value in daily work and strive to increase the quality of their work.

Attendance and excellent workmanship are important in karma yoga.  Each day is a gift that should be lived with the best that each person can accomplish.  Shoddy work adds waste to the resources and makes everyone unhappy, whether it’s a service to others or a product the world needs.

Where is your hardest struggle in karma yoga?  By doing it first, your day will go much sweeter, and at the end of the day, a sense of well-being at having done your best.

meadow, grass, dew

31.)  Blessed are those who find value in daily work by adding to the joy of others through cooperation and harmony.

When everyone is cooperating, it creates a loving atmosphere and consideration for one another.  Good communication is vital in understanding what is expected.  Once this is accomplished, cooperation and harmony should flow through your work like the sun-kissed dew of an early morning meadow.

32.)  Blessed are those who understand that the wisest of prayers are for more devotion, love for God, and righteousness.

Prayer may be good for the soul for there are many who feel positive effects from it.  A person’s childhood or upbringing may have emphasized prayer and may feel right.  If prayer has this effect or helps with clearing the mind, then continue it as an important part of your sadhana. 

For others who don’t feel inclined to pray, you too can make just as much progress.  Prayer is a personal choice in one’s sadhana that doesn’t reap lasting change within the being-state unless accompanied by meditation or contemplation.

God does hear the prayers for more love, devotion, and righteousness.  For earnest aspirants who deeply yearn for these, the Atman, or Lord within, will lead the soul in the right direction.  Yearning is the deepest form of prayer and says more than words ever could.

33.)  Blessed are those who recognize that karma yoga is superior to prayer and fasting.

Karma yoga is all of our daily actions in the world.  The only time the soul is not engaging in karma yoga is during personal spiritual practices and sleeping. (Eating and some pleasures like watching movies can be called karma yoga, but the effect is typically minimal.)  For most, this means over 90% of the waking hours are involved in karma yoga.

Brahman is impersonal and views thoughts through your daily actions, so He watches where you are spiritually by your actions in the world.  Wherever the mind focuses, the soul follows and says the most about your level of spiritual awareness. 

God can read thoughts and intentions, but the relationship is not personal like the Christians assume, and a person’s karma, whether positive or negative, is not earned through prayers or a lack thereof, but through actions in the world.

Hindus assume there’s a great big Atman in the sky and when liberation is accomplished, we become one with Source.  The highest teaching until now has been brought from the east through Hinduism and yet, it, too, falls short of the truth, for there is no great big Atman and we do not return to Source. 

Paramatman is Brahman’s expansion in the universe and not ours to claim later any more than a personal relationship with Jesus that the Christians claim now. 

Each soul possesses its own impersonal Atman or Lord within.  When we expand our being-state or spiritual awareness, we can only become more like Brahman.  It is impossible that God would create a large being or an angel in Heaven that would suddenly turn evil. 

Lucifer represents the ego or the totality of the samskaras that are ready to create a hell where there should be heaven.

In Genesis, Adam and Eve were cast from the Garden of Eden.  The deeper internal meaning of the garden represents the state of the Atman that knows no sadness, grief, or despair.

angel, fairy, female

The Atman dwells in this state always, and its mission is to bring the soul back to Eden or to a state of wholeness.

When we pray to God, the Lord within, who is cagey and wise, hears these prayers as a desire or yearning, but for what?  Is it for material possessions or the outcome that is in one’s favor? 

If the prayer is in line with God’s will, it may be accomplished through your Atman, the Atman of others, or the angels through rare supernatural occurrences. 

Prayer helps the soul look up, but it doesn’t expand the soul without active spiritual practices through karma or raja yoga.

Fasting can produce wonderful results physically, which improves a person’s health, thus well-being.  Many times, when a person is ill, fasting allows the body to rebound quicker.  It’s been used by doctors to help their patients with certain illnesses with many positive results. 

Spiritually, the results are not lasting.  The samskaras are deeply rooted within the soul and sadhana requires energy to uproot the samskaras.  It may be that abstaining from food lessens the availability of the samskaras, but once the food is resumed, the samskaras return full force.    

34.)  Blessed are those who find joy in attending church or satsang weekly for devotion.

Weekly church or satsang encourages and deepens the soul’s devotion to God.  It raises the mind to higher and nobler ways of interacting with spiritually like-minded people who enjoy each other’s presence. 

An atmosphere of love and acceptance brings peace and encouragement to the hearts of those who attend.

35.)  Blessed are those who spend time in recreation with good companions and wholesome fun.

The church should offer frequent and regular events where everyone comes together for fun and wholesome activities.  It encourages friendships among like-minded individuals and a culture of joy in sadhana. 

Those who play together, stay together.

36.)  Blessed are those whose interests and hobbies bring satisfaction and inner joy.

Happiness and growth come from hobbies and drive creativity forward through positive channels of expression.  For instance, you may enjoy bird watching, photography, or making crafts. 

You may have a passion for sports-related activities and join a local team that offers the opportunity to improve your skills.  Through hobbies, you’ll find happiness and a passion for what makes the soul thrive.

37.)  Blessed are those who do not neglect the needs of the body which is the vehicle for soul growth.

The body needs the four essentials of living which are shelter, clothing, food, and water.  The fifth is medical insurance, which is currently not available to everyone.  Unless these needs are met, a person will have difficulty pursuing sadhana for the worries of lacking in these will be overwhelming.

For the ones who choose to follow their heart or God, follow the world this way first.  If you live in a society that doesn’t allow for one to seek God-realization first, go to college or get a higher education to secure yourself for a beautiful sadhana for the next fifty years, or the rest of your life.  In heeding this instruction, God will be pleased and bless you on your spiritual path.

It’s difficult for those who are not materialistic to function in a world where everything seems to revolve around objects and this is the most troublesome for the bodhisattvas

If you are in divine madness, try to continue your karma yoga by maintaining employment for not every society makes an allowance for those in this state.  Be rational as much as possible in the world and in your maddening love for God, He or She may continue to appear everywhere, but work on keeping the fire inside. 

Divine madness is a beautiful spiritual state but will cause suffering from a society that doesn’t understand.

38.)  Blessed are those who keep a shrine of God in their heart daily.

If you look at the world with universal love, your joy will be secure.  Seek to love all from God’s perspective and leave nothing to chance or that which is temporal. God’s love is universal and everlasting and wants you, too, to have universal love for all.

Work with others as if God was right beside you.  Work for others as if God was your mentor.  Work towards God and you will find everlasting life and the peace that passes all understanding.

Meditation and contemplation are the most effective forms of God-realization.  Make them an important part of your life, and universal love will meet you one day in a way you never expected and bring so much joy, it doesn’t seem possible that you can contain it all!

39.)  Blessed are those who are not led astray by any spiritual teacher who might persuade them to live in a way that contradicts the teachings of these principles.

These teachings are the basics of good sadhana, and a wise teacher will encourage them as fundamental to your joy and happiness on the road to liberation. 

These principles are the wisdom of the ages and will keep you on a path of joyful progress, with an abundance of God’s blessings in this life and always!

clef, grades, love