Oneness of God

Religious traditions correctly interpret that God is One who created the Universe and all the galaxies. In Hinduism, He is known as Brahman or All-Pervasive and in Christianity, God the Father is described as Omnipotent and Omnipresent. By using these descriptions, humanity has a better understanding of the Immensity of God’s Being.

Within the galaxy, Brahman’s extension enters the world through the Incarnations reflecting Brahman’s Mind and leading the world through the religions. When we look to the Incarnations, we see God.

God has been embodied many times, but His presence in the world is not always revealed. In the Old Testament and Jewish faith, He was Moses who spoke with God on Mt. Sinai and later, brought down the Ten Commandments.

He was the great poet and mathematician, Omar Khayyam. He was the Hindu mystic, Chaitanya, and Ramakrishna, the Devotee of Kali.

These, along with the others previously mentioned, were the more prominent Incarnations, but only a fraction of all His births. Other times, He remained hidden enjoying the beauty of life and the world He created.

In the Christian tradition, the belief of most churches is in the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father and Son were always One and the Holy Spirit is not a being or entity, but another Extension of God’s Ultimate Power in the world.

If one might like to think of Trinity, it should be Father, Mother, and Holy Spirit. Otherwise, God is not three, but One Lord and One God. When we look to God’s Personification in the world, we behold Brahman!

moses, bible, love
Photo by Ronsa06 on Pixabay

The first commandment Moses delivered to the Israelites was, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” The wording “gods” was not inferring to His other Incarnations, but the enemy or ego within the soul that craves power and dominion over God and Heaven. This was also a warning to beware of anyone making false claims and leading others astray into needless suffering.

It should be noted here that when God embodies, He does not take on two identities. He’s not “over here,” and “over there.” He can inhabit two or more bodies at the same time, but He never does because it’s not His Will to do so.

Male and Female

A female soul is born in a female body and God does not interchange by placing a female soul in a male body. She is continually placed into female bodies until her sadhana is completed. Likewise for the male souls, and God never makes a mistake.

When God views the soul, He instantly sees female or male and places the soul in the appropriate body. If someone says they remember a past life of being the opposite sex, they are confused, because it never happens.

man, woman, dog

God is neither male nor female but created male and female. The Incarnation may appear as either and is not limited to one or the other, unlike created souls.

Within each soul, is the innate necessity to see God as male or female. There is no gender bias in seeing God as one or the other.

They/them is being used by some gender ideology brought forth by the feminist movement that is anti-God. They presuppose that since God is neither male nor female, the pronoun they/them should be used in referring to God.

God is not gender-biased and male and female are understandable concepts of God and not to be left to the interpretation of feminists. Even language is gender-based or this gender ideology would have come up with a better description than they/them.

God is not they/them, but One, and thinking of God as they/them is detrimental to sadhana for it not only suggests multiplicity but disallows a person’s innate desire to see God as Male or Female. It’s natural for the soul to see God as one or the other.

God is not offended by Him or Her since both represent God’s Personification. One who is motherless might find comfort in the Divine Mother, Kali, or Sita, and the one who is fatherless might find consolation in Krishna, Shiva, or Vishnu.

There’s a Gaia movement or philosophy that has surfaced in the last few decades with reference to Mother Earth. It was not brought by the Incarnation and supports dhyana’s ideals of a perfect world.

There is some substance in their beliefs in following ancient mysticism while yoga and meditation are positive for sadhana; but many of their teachings are “otherworldly,” and irrational.

If you follow this teaching, please don’t allow yourself to be confused into thinking you were an extra-terrestrial in a previous life.

With each lifetime, we must all follow the path and the Incarnation that feels best for our sadhana, for all God’s paths, lead home. For the one who strives diligently, He or She will bless the soul with an abundance of peace.

The greatest of joys are from the Atman within, who, like the Father or the Mother, is abiding and constant for the one who perseveres.

goddess saraswati” by drakoheart is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

O Mother, make me mad with Thy love!
What need have I of knowledge or reason?
Make me drunk with Thy love’s Wine;
O Thou who stealest Thy bhakta’s hearts,
Drown me deep in the Sea of Thy love!
Here in this world, this madhouse of Thine
Some laugh, some weep, some dance for joy;
Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Gauranga,
All are drunk with the Wine of Thy love.
O Mother, when shall I be blessed
By joining their blissful company?

Gospel of Ramakrishna